we would like to organise a few appeal
- donations -it's easy to do just click the link'sponsor me' at the left hand side of this page and follow the easy safe and secure links to make your donation TODAY!!!
- maybe you are unable to make a donation but wish to help please feel free to contact at wishesarefree@hotmail.co.uk and offer any help you can.
- maybe you are a business or an individual and want to make your mark on this site well now you can with 'rent a square' for a low monthly rate add your photo, logo,slogan,message, pictures anything you want to a square see sponsorship page for details. all proceeds go to make a wish foundation (50% directly to the charity, 50%towards the list which in turn helps raise money and awareness for make a wish foundation)
- maybe your a business and wish to help any help you can give us and in return we will plug you like crazy.
- bury a treasure chest on a deserted island,this is an on going thing but if you have anything you wish to bury in the chest please contact us at wishesarefree@hotmail.co.uk
- collect rubberducks- yes we are aware that this sounds odd but i plan to create a memorial garden for my mum and her favourite thing in the whole world was ducks so i want to collect some rubber ducks to add to this once it is complete, so if you have rubber ducks to get rid off send them my way!
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