click on our 'merchandise' page to view some of our range as we have such a large extensive range that is in excess of 220+ items and is growing, visit our on-line store at you can use this link or follow the link on our merchandise page.
we have an extensive range of products ranging from men's women's and children's T shirts, messenger bags, totes, caps, hoodies, sweatshirts, mouse mats, lanyards, buttons, teddy bears,mugs, aprons and even pillow cases. In loads of designs so your sure to find something you will like at prices you can afford!!!
a minimum of 10% of product proceeds get donated to Make-A-Wish foundation and 10% (minimum) goes towards the list so you can purchase great products at reasonable prices and help to raise money for charity too~ what could be better!!!!!!
take a look at just a few of the products we have to offer;

See for more designs and more products and remember 10% is donated to Make-A-Wish foundation.